Live eCourse on Project Management of Innovative and ambitious EU Funded Projects

eCourse on Project Management of European Funded Research and Innovation Projects

This course based on live recordings will transform you into a leading project manager of EU funded projects that delivers results of high scientific, economic and social impact. For the first time, there is a course that focuses on practical steps and tools without using any of the established project management methodologies that add a lot of jargonadministration work-load as well as confusion to the project consortium and no-one uses in reality. This course balances the necessary documentation and commitment required by the EC as funding authority with the freedom and flexibility to create new discoveries in highly funded projects. It is based on 24 years of experience in project management of innovative EC funded projects with the latest developments in modern project management. 

We guarantee its high and unique value in case you wish to become a well-established project manager of EU funded projects. If you are not fully satisfied, we will reimburse you back. That confident we are on the quality of this course!!

Extra Bonuses:

  1. Full access to all the recordings after the training for watching any points that you wish to master more
  2. Follow-up live Q&A  within a month after your participation for clarifying any issues or addressing any of your personal challenges in project managemet
  3. Certificate of successful attendance for all participants that participate live on the day that  course takes place

The learning objectives are the following:

  1. Think and act like a leading project manager
  2. Get recognised as a project manager that people follow because they want to and not because they are obliged
  3. Define a balanced project in terms of cost, quality and time
  4. Master and assign key but essential roles in the project management structures of innovative/ambitious EU funded Projects
  5. Identify and order the necessary steps and create a working pert-chart that everyone understands and follows
  6. Estimate a realistic project duration including its workpackages and tasks
  7. Speed-up the project duration
  8. Create a Gantt chart that is understandable, easy to make and most importantly extremely useful and easy to apply
  9. Estimate realistic resource requirements per Workpackage and for the whole project
  10. Plan and assess the project risks
  11. Understand the most important elements of the contractual agreements and where to pay special attention
  12. Master the simple tools and practices for monitoring project progress and costs
  13. Understand and create the essential project documentation for formal but also practical reasons
  14. Conduct effective project meetings
  15. Adjust your plan smoothly and understand when you should issue a contract amendment
  16. Have successful project reviews by the EC/Funding Agency
  17. Tidy-up project issues and maintain a high team spirit
  18. Techniques and best practices for delivering highly ambitious and innovative projects
  19. Apply agile practices in project management for fostering new discoveries from your project based on simple practices and techniques and not on project management methodologies
  20. Understand and assign the tasks within your project (WP leader tasks, team leader tasks)
  21. Master composing teams with the proper skills
  22. Understand user/stakeholder-participatory research and how to involve it in your workpackage
  23. Master  four different types of meetings in a workpackage and how to make the most out of each one
  24. Budget your project
  25. Master just one rule for ensuring audit-proof and rejection free costs
  26. Ensure all your project costs claimed are accepted by EC/Funding authority (incl. staff cost, travel & subsistence, subcontracting, equipment and other costs)

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Order summary

Live eCourse on Project Management of Innovative and ambitious EU Funded Projects

This course based on live recordings will transform you into a leading project manager of EU funded projects that delivers results of high scientific, economic and social impact. For the first time, there is a course that focuses on practical steps and tools without using any of the established project management methodologies that add a lot of jargon, administration work-load as well as confusion to the project consortium and no-one uses in reality. This course balances the necessary documentation and commitment required by the EC as funding authority with the freedom and flexibility to create new discoveries in highly funded projects. It is based on 24 years of experience in project management of innovative EC funded projects with the latest developments in modern project management. 

We guarantee its high and unique value in case you wish to become a well-established project manager of EU funded projects. If you are not fully satisfied, we will reimburse you back. That confident we are on the quality of this course!!

EUR 497
Total due EUR 497

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