Live Open Course on successful ERC Interview sessions based on O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M. Formula

Engage your audience with O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M.™ formula

eCourse on successful ERC Interview sessions based on O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M. Formula

A little more about O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M.™ Formula

Are you a Principal Investigator that you have been invited to defend your ERC proposal in front of an ERC panel?
First of all, congratulations for passing the first stage. As you know, as soon as the PI is invited for an interview after applying for a CoG/StG/AdG , you have approximately 40% chances to receive the grant. Since it is still  60% possible to fail to receive the grant mainly due to the fact that you haven't impressed the panel members during your interview. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to get prepared for winning the impressions. It is not unusual to see an expert trying to convince the rest of the panel that their favourite project is more deserving than your favourite project. In the ERC you have a unique chance to help out the experts on your side, by pitching your talk to the non-experts. We will train the Principal Investigator (PI) on what to say (their words), how to say it (their voice) and how to look (their body language) based on our O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M. formula. 
Furthermore, some ERC  panels do not allow any presentation slides now for the first time in interviews. This makes it now even more critical for the PI to master the 3 Vs,  vocals and visuals of their body and what they say (verbals). 
The O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M.™  Formula is for promising Principal Investigators. It is based on scientific findings from UCLA research team but also on my personal PhD on engagement as well as on personal experience after presenting and speaking in thousands of researchers and professionals as a Research and Innovation Coach and Trainer the last 12 years.

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Order summary

Live Open Course on successful ERC Interview sessions based on O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M. Formula

  • We will familiarise you with the O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M.™ formula based on the course workbook and live demonstrations by the trainer.
  • You will master the O.W.N. T.H.E. R.O.O.M.™ approach for delivering engaging presentations of any context
EUR 397
Total due EUR 397

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