eCourse on EIC Transition

eCourse based on live recordings and with a follow-up live Q&A session

Master in half-day in total  how to develop a winning EIC Transition grant Application


o The intelligence behind the EIC Transition
o How to change your mindset from research to business
o How to deal successfully with the Excellence section in an EIC Transition grant application
o How to deal successfully with the Impact section in an EIC Transition grant application
o How to deal successfully with the Implementation section in an EIC Transition grant application

It is full of tips and best practices and suitable also for potential applicants who either develop a proposal from scratch or they re-submit their own.

It is an eye-opening workshop that we personally guarantee its high quality, else we will return to you any fee.


In case your organisation is a member of OpenCosmos Platform, you can register and participate for free. See current members of OpenCosmos below

University of Girona - WikipediaPolitecnico di Milano – RECIPE H2020 ProjectUniversita-degli-studi-di-torino-logo - GO FAIR

UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA | CipsecKaunas University of Technology – EngageStudentsInstitut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida Fundació Dr. Pifarré - IRBLLEIDA  Employees, Location, Careers | LinkedInHome - IISPV IMMIB

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Order summary

eCourse on EIC Transition


o The intelligence behind the EIC Transition
o How to change your mindset from research to business
o How to deal successfully with the Excellence section in an EIC Transition grant application
o How to deal successfully with the Impact section in an EIC Transition grant application
o How to deal successfully with the Implementation section in an EIC Transition grant application

It is full of tips and best practices and suitable also for potential applicants who either develop a proposal from scratch or they re-submit their own.

It is an eye-opening workshop that we personally guarantee its high quality, else we will return to you any fee.

EUR 397
Total due EUR 397

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