eCourse(recorded) PART I - How to use AI in order to develop a successful proposal in Horizon Europe as a coordinator or get involved in one as a partner

eCourse Part _ How to use AI tools in order to develop a successful proposal in Horizon Europe as a coordinator or get involved in one as a partner

Use Case RIA and IA Cluster 6

Many use and even more will use AI in proposal writing since it can speed up the whole proposal writing phase. But most of the proposals developed with the use of AI are/will be of average quality and very few are/will be successful. The key reason for this is the limited knowledge or the lack of familiarisation with how to use intelligently AI for winning proposals.

Master in this course how to use AI tools (mainly free ones) and practices in order to develop a successful proposal with a focus in Horizon Europe as a coordinator or get involved in one as a partner. Examples will be based on currently open calls in Horizon Europe R&I Programme but all the techniques and tools will be applicable to any European Funding Programme (Erasmus+, Creative Europe, Digital Europe, Life, etc)

Duration: 4+ hours

Learning Objectives

Aim 0: Understand what AI can and cannot do in proposal writing

  • Understand the AI tools available, their limitations, strong and weak points
  • Understand what AI tools can and cannot do in proposal writing

Aim 1: Master the use of AI tools (mainly free ones) and practices to support you in essential proposal development steps

  • Understand the intelligence of an Open Call under 2024 and how to exploit it as a potential coordinator or partner, such as
    • Key challenges/opportunities from the call topic,
    • Related Expected Impacts,
    • Related Policy documents and how to identify the key points to address in your proposal based on the call topic,
    • previously related projects to be used as starting points,
    • key actors to be on board
    • etc
  • identify contact details from organisations participating in previously funded related projects
  • Prepare an email in order a) to engage competent partners in your proposal or b) to get accepted in a consortium as a partner

Aim 2: Master the use of AI tools  (mainly free ones) and practices to you support you in building your whole proposal (Excellence, Impact, Implementation)

  • Suggest project objectives and results that are aligned with the call topic
  • Suggest activities including a work plan, deliverables and milestones to achieve the project objectives and results
  • Suggest risks related to your workplan
  • Suggest the type of organisations (academic and non-academic ones) essential for achieving the project objectives
  • Suggest ways to achieve the expected outcomes from your project results
  • Suggest ways to achieve the expected impacts from your project results
  • Suggest specific success indicators (Scale, significance and when to be achieved) for the expected outcomes and impacts
  • Suggest possible barriers to achieving the expected outcomes and impacts
  • Suggest possible DEC measures for wider engagement of target groups

Core Course values

Value 1: No previous expertise is needed on AI or on proposal writing. We will provide the full recipe, therefore no prior knowledge is needed. Participants will learn not only how to write a winning proposal with the support of AI or how to get involved to one as a partner but also how to do it with a fraction of the effort and time normally needed.

Value 2: Training will be based on a specific call topic to ensure immediate full applicability of all the knowledge shared

Participants: Actors interested in initiating their own proposal or joining other proposals.


  • Bonus 1: A live Q&A session is planned within a month after your regisration.
  • Bonus 2:  Life-time access

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Order summary

eCourse(recorded) PART I - How to use AI in order to develop a successful proposal in Horizon Europe as a coordinator or get involved in one as a partner

Artificial Intelligence tools and practices for successful grant writing in Horizon Europe with focus on RIA and IA actions. 

EUR 350
Total due EUR 350

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