Valuefy™ Expert Service

Valuefy™ Expert  Service: Access to the platform with guidelines on what to write and how to write it for dealing successfully not only with each different section but going in more detail into each sub-section in the Horizon 2020 grant application form. Plus  examples, illustrations, diagrams, charts and templates  in editable format for using them immediately in each proposal subsection

Complete your details below for accessing immediately the Valuefy™ platform and getting step-by-step guidance on what to write and how to write it as well as specific examples, templates, illustrations directly applicable in each section and subsection of the grant application form.

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Valuefy™ Expert Service

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Although Valuefy™ examples, guidance, templates and tools are applicable mainly on collaborative and highly competitive type of actions such as RIA (Research & Innovation Action), IA (Innovation Action), FTI (Fast Track to Innovation), MSCA ITN, FET Open as well as innovative and business oriented ones such SME instrument phase 1 and phase 2,  still the platform can be extremely useful and inspiring also for applicants in other type of actions such as in ERC Starting Grants, Consolidator Grants, Synergy Grants, MSCA Individual Funds, RISE, etc.

Moreover, anyone that is active in exploiting European funds or any state funds will find Valuefy™ principles, resources and guidance one of the most valuable tools for developing or evaluating successfully any grant application. This is because Valuefy™ platform is built with main purpose to support and guide applications to develop winning proposals in the most challenging and competitive programme in the whole world, i.e. Horizon 2020. Hence, to an extent, its principles, tips and templates can cover any other funding programme at a national, European or global level.