
OpenCosmos External Evaluation: Inform us on your plans and then upload your proposal material for a detailed evaluation by an EC expert

Individuals from organisations that are members of OpenCosmos can have the final draft of their HorizonEurope proposal evaluated by Nikolaos Floratos, an EC expert since 2003 (18+ consecutive years experience on evaluations and reviews on behalf of the European Commission) and 24+ years in developing successful proposals or by another expert in our team specialised fully in your domain and type of grant application. 

Any individual from an OpenCosmos member organisation (their email address should fit the domain name of their organisation) that initiates a European Research & Innovation proposal as coordinator can have the final draft of their proposal evaluated 10 days before the submission deadline. As a member of the OpenCosmos platform, you will be able to upload the latest version of your grant application in word format so that we can insert comments within your application. 

In order to ensure the maximum quality is provided and avoid overusing of this service, you can have only one version of your proposal externally evaluated. 

Any external evaluation is treated as strictly confidential: Any material shared with us, remains always strictly confidential and it will be deleted after our evaluation.

Important Note: In order to guarantee that we have the proper resources for having your proposal evaluated, the external evaluation consists of two steps:

  1. Step 1: You should inform us at least a month before the submission deadline of your plan to submit an Horizon Europe grant application as coordinator/applicant. Else we cannot assure you that your proposal will be evaluated. You can inform us by submitting the form below at least 30 days before the submission deadline and without submitting any proposal. 
  2. Step 2: As long as you have completed step 1, then you use the same form below for submitting the final draft of your application at least 10 days before the call submission deadline

Grant application info

Details on you and the proposal material to be evaluated

External Evaluation of your grant application

Complete your details below and upload your proposal material (idea, summary, final draft) for having it evaluated by one of our experts for free as an individual from an organisation that is member of OpenCosmos. 

Please make sure that the details provided are correct and especially your email for receiving our feedback evaluation. 


Please confirm that you are the coordinator of the proposal that you wish to have the proposal material evaluated

We cannot evaluate proposals that you are involved as partner. Therefore, please ensure that you are the official coordinator of the proposal since we will check that


Provide the details of the call topic of your proposal

In order to ensure full alignment of your proposal with the targeted Horizon Europe call topic, please provide below the call details such as 

  • Call topic ID
  • Call topic title
  • Call Submission Deadline
  • Direct link of the call to the Funding and Tenders Portal



What is your organisation?

Please provide us with your organisation name and its website address (domain name).


What is your email address?

Please provide us your email address and ensure that it is related to the domain name of your organisation that should be a member of OpenCosmos. You are not sure whether your organisation is a member. No worries, you can still provide us your email address and we will check that for you.


Please provide us your details (i.e. First name, last name, position)


What is this submission about? For Step 1 or Step 2?

Is this submission form for informing us of your plan to have your proposal externally evaluated (Step 1) or for actually submitting your proposal for external evaluation (Step 2). 

Reminder: We can only guarantee an external evaluation to only applicants that have informed us with this form at least a month before the call submission deadline that they plan to have their grant application externally evaluated.


Upload your proposal for a detailed evaluation (Applicable only for step 2)

Please provide your details and upload your proposal material (latest draft) in word format if possible so that we can evaluate it and provide you feedback. Then click "save the worksheet" and we will receive it automatically.